Woonerven in Eindhoven. Deel I: De onderzoekopzet en de resultaten voor alle gebieden tezamen.


A study was made of the experience of the residents in nine different areas in the municipality of eindhoven which were reconstructed as woonerven. For the majority of the residents the rearrangement into a woonerf of their residential area was an improvement. This improvement was mainly due to the layout and the design of the roads with trees, surfacing, carriageway marking etc. the mixture of traffic with pedestrians and playing children was no success however. Other measures to make the car and the moped subordinate to the more vulnerable pedestrian are needed.

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B 17972 /21 /72 / IRRD 252903

Eindhoven, Gemeente Eindhoven, 1975, 37 p. + app., fig., tab.

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