The stability of the motion of a bicycle

Whipple, F.J.W.

In this theoretical study the equations of the motion of a bicycle are presented. The stability criteria for a certain type of a bicycle are determined as a function of the speed. The study also includes a mathematical model for the rider. In this model the generated angles of handle-bars and upper-body are supposed to be linearly proportional to the angle between the vertical axis and the frame. With the help of the model it is shown that the rider is able to change the stability limits of the system by carrying out control actions.

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11 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
Verschenen in
Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
30 (1899)
B 15783 fo /91/

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