How effective are rehabilitation courses (EMG, LEMA and EMA) in preventing risky road user behaviour?


This answer was adjusted in September 2023. 

Evaluations of rehabilitation courses in the Netherlands do not show an effect on preventing recidivism. The WODC Research and Documentation Centre found no effect of EMA, (Educational Measure Alcohol) [49] or LEMA (Light Educational Measure Alcohol) on recidivism (both general traffic offence recidivism and drink-driving recidivism were studied) [50]. Also the Educational Measure Behaviour (Dutch abbreviation (EMG)), imposed on motorists driving faster than 50km/h in urban areas, was not shown to affect the prevention of EMG-related recidivism [51]. These WODC studies were conducted on 2013 data (LEMA) or 2015 data (EMA and EMG). Since then, the design of both measures has been changed, however. This implies that the study results cannot be translated to the current situation on a one-to-one basis.

A survey of international studies into the effects of rehabilitation programmes for offenders showed widely varying effects [52]. Also see SWOV fact sheet Traffic enforcement.

Part of fact sheet

Risky road user behaviour, aggression and repeat offenders

Risky road user behaviour is behaviour that adversely affects road safety, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or… Meer

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