SWOV research aims to improve road safety. By doing research into, for example, safe road shoulders, an analysis of road safety in the previous year or the further development of a vision on road safety (3rd edition of Sustainable Safety), ultimately, we hope to prevent crashes, reduce injuries and save lives.
A substantial part of our research is carried out within an annual research programme agreed upon with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. SWOV also carries out research projects for provincial, regional and local governments and for other national and international clients. Generally, the research findings are published in a report and/or in a paper for a scientific journal.
A selection of our research published in 2018
- Veilige bermen langs autosnelwegen: obstakelvrije zone, geleiderails of beide?
- DV3 - Visie Duurzaam Veilig Wegverkeer 2018-2030: naar een slachtoffervrij verkeer
- Monitor Verkeersveiligheid 2018: Doorpakken voor een veiliger verkeer
- Onderzoek naar dodelijke verkeersongevallen op rijkswegen in 2016
- Diepteonderzoek Scootmobielongevallen: veiliger scootmobielen en veiliger wegomgeving
Overview of all SWOV publications in 2018.
A selection of scientific and professional journal papers published in 2018
- Serious road traffic injuries in Europe, Lessons from the EU research project SafetyCube. (Transportation Research Record)
- A study in real traffic examining glance behaviour of teenage cyclists when listening to music: Results and ethical considerations. (Transportation Research Part F)
- Do road user roles serve as social identities? Differences between self-described cyclists and car drivers(Transportation Research Part F)
- Twee opties voor veilige berm (Verkeerskunde)
- Veiligheid en verantwoordelijkheid in het netwerktijdperk. (Bestuurskunde)
Overview of all scientific and professional journal papers in 2018.