Special announcements

On September 22, 2018, prof. Eric Asmussen, director at SWOV since the start in 1962 up to and including 1985, passed away. Mr. Asmussen meant a lot to the institute and SWOV will therefore always remember him with great appreciation and gratitude. 

In 2018, no less than four researchers managed to obtain their PhD with research that was (partly) conducted within the SWOV programme. In addition, we had three more researchers in our ranks who were awarded a PhD for research started (and completed) elsewhere.

Annual report 2018

  1. Introduction
  2. SWOV in 2018
    Facts & Figures
    Special announcements
  3. Organization
    Organization diagram
    Personnel and organization
         - Supervisory board
         - Program Advisory board 
         - Scientific Advisory Board 
  4. Financial statements
    Financial summary