SWOV has four research departments: Infrastructure and Traffic, Road User Behaviour, Human Factors and Vehicle Automation, and Data and Analysis for Policy.
The research conducted within the Infrastructure and Traffic department focuses on the relationship between road safety and the road network and road design, including the cycling infrastructure.
The researchers in the department of Road User Behaviour are concerned with the behaviour and physical and mental condition of road users including alcohol, drugs, distraction and diseases such as dementia. They investigate, for example, the prevalence of these behaviours and conditions, the effect on road safety, and the effectiveness of countermeasures.
The department Human Factors and Vehicle Automation mainly conducts research on how road users interact with new technologies, which their own and other vehicles are increasingly equipped with.
The department Data and Analysis for Policy is responsible for the disclosure of road safety statistics and the analysis of these data to the end of knowledge for road safety policy. The latter department also acquires knowledge on the organisation of a safe road traffic system.
SWOV’s management and the Board of Supervisors (RvT) together are responsible for the strategy and position of SWOV.
To guarantee the quality of its research, SWOV uses the input of highly-qualified external experts as members of the Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) and the Program Advisory board (PAR). SWOV strives to invite experts who are active in various sectors in the field of traffic and road safety.
View SWOV's organisation chart.