
Gathering, using and disseminating knowledge

In how many crashes are young drivers involved and how can this be explained? What is a safer design for a 80km/h road? When do you decide on a roundabout and when do you choose traffic lights? And how effective are road safety measures?

Through gathering, using and disseminating knowledge, SWOV helps to find answers to questions that road safety professionals face on a daily basis.

Gathering knowledge

Our research projects are a source of new knowledge. Some projects – mostly international projects like MEDIATOR and LEVITATE – are carried out during a number of years. Another example is SWOV's in-depth research, that gives insight in the factors and circumstances that play a role in the occurrence of certain types of crashes and the resulting injuries. Other research projects are short-term projects, such as those commissioned by local governments or companies, such as the research projects SWOV carried out for Interpolis and the Municipality of Amsterdam

Using knowledge

Sometimes no new knowledge is required, but SWOV already has sufficient existing knowledge to answer your questions. In that case you can ask us for a custom-made report, a training, lecture or a course.

Disseminating knowledge

You can also consult our knowledge without asking for a specific product:

  • With our Road map road safety data we help you to find your way through the various data sources and give you access to the data.
  • Also take a look at our fact sheets that contain short and clear answers to the most frequently asked questions about topics within this theme. 
  • The option Publications provides access to nearly all our research reports for consultation and download and the largest road safety catalogue in the Netherlands.

What is your question?

By consulting our knowledge through our data or fact sheets, you'll often be able to find the answer to your question. On other occasions, we can use our knowledge to help you answer your question, by performing a literature scan for example, or we can start a new research project. In those cases, we'll gladly provide you with a quote.

We would love to help you find the answer to your question. Please don't hesitate to contact us.


SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research

Looking for more information? Would you like us to carry out a research project for you? Don't hesitate to contact us!

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Phone: +31 - 70 - 3173 318