European road statistics 2010.

Nicodème, C. Diamandouros, K. Diez, J. L. Fusco, I. & Lorente Miñarro, M.L.

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) presents the ninth edition of its publication on road transport data in Europe : the European Road Statistics 2010, the publication which sets the standard in its category and is widely appreciated as a reliable source of essential information on the European road sector. The road infrastructure sector is currently facing important challenges with respect to road safety, mobility of persons, goods and services and the environment. These challenges become even more significant if we take into account some crucial elements, such as the increasing demand for mobility, the ageing population and the constantly growing part of citizens living in an urban environment. The ERF strongly believes that a better road infrastructure can bring valuable answers to these challenges, by not only increasing the safety and improving mobility, but also by reducing the environmental impact of road transport, congestion and CO2 emissions. The ninth edition of the European Road Statistics aims at delivering accurate and factual information that demonstrate the actual value of the road transport sector in Europe. (Author/publisher)

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C 51067 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /70 /81 /

Brussels, European Union Road Federation (ERF), 2010, 97 p.

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