Good riding : a manual on the safe and skillful riding of motor cycles, scooters and mopeds.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA

This booklet gives advices to riders of motor cycles, scooters and mopeds on the following topics: suitable cloths, riding position, maintenance of the machine, speed, braking, steering and stability, signalling, keeping distance, overtaining, turning, manoeuvres at road junctions, traffic lights and roundabouts, road markings and traffic signs, use of lights, riding at night, motorways, pillion passengers, sidecars. Special notes concerning the operation of scooters and mopeds are included.

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C 7242 /83 / IRRD 222127

Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 1975, 32 p.; MCA report ; No. 24

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