Identifying persons at risk for PTSD after trauma with TSQ in the Netherlands

Dekkers, A.M.M.; Olff, M.; Näring, G.W.B.

In The Netherlands about 80% of the population experience a traumatic event while about 14% develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Considering this high prevalence the prevention or early treatment of posttraumatic stress is important from a health as well as cost-benefit perspective. The aim of this study was to examine whether we could identify subjects at risk of developing PTSD. We included 100 Dutch victims of different civil traumas that contacted the Victim Support Foundation. The trauma screening questionnaire (TSQ), was used as a screening tool. The results show that a cut-off score of 7 on the TSQ correctly identified most subjects with PTSD. The authors found a moderate positive correlation between PTSD and the severity of complaints. They also found a significant relationship between the TSQ and depression symptoms. This study indicates that the Dutch version of the TSQ is a useful instrument for identifying future cases of PTSD.

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Verschenen in
Community Mental Health Journal
46 (1)
20220187 ST [electronic version only]

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