Integration von öffentlichem und privatem Parkraummanagement

[Integration of public and private parking management]
Höpping, A.; Jonas, B.; Becker, W.; Krüger, J.; Freudenstein, J.; Krampe, S.; Godschachner A.; Inninger, W.; Scholz, K.; Hüttner, N.;
Grötsch, M.; Stjepanovic, B.

In the rarest of cases, municipal parking space is managed from a single source. Various private and public actors often organize their parking facilities independently and not always in coordination with one another. In addition, different parking concepts are used in many cities and consequently different information and billing systems exist. The BASt-Parken research project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, examined the possibilities of integrating public and private parking space management through the targeted collection and provision of parking-space-relevant information from a wide variety of data sources (e.g. parking guidance systems, parking ticket machines, sensors, barriers, systems, etc.) for the purpose of reducing urban parking search traffic and more efficient use of available parking space. The specific task included the development of an Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) reference architecture for parking based on the challenges and requirements of parking space management and the development of a standardized DATEX II data profile. Corresponding requirements and framework conditions were recorded in a total of 9 expert discussions and a workshop together with partners from the public sector and service providers. This ensured that the highest possible interoperability and transferability of the reference architecture was guaranteed. In addition, 16 research and pilot projects on project content close to the parking area were analyzed. The results of the workshop, the expert discussions and the literature research were summarized in a total of 70 fields of action. These in turn were formulated in requirements for the service and the data model used. In particular, it became apparent that better communication between municipal and private-sector actors and their joint participation in concepts and planning are of great importance. The project was carried out in two test areas, each with a different focus: in Stuttgart (integration of public parking guidance strategies and networked parking) and in Munich (integrative parking space management and on-street parking in a district with static data on the district in combination with Floating Car Data). In the test area of Stuttgart, two municipal parking guidance strategies were developed together with the state capital Stuttgart and the PBW mbH in the context of dynamic traffic management. The parking guidance strategy Cultural Mile and the intermodal strategy P+R multi-storey car park Österfeld have been conceptually developed and are currently being implemented technically. The existing object database of PBW mbH was expanded to include additional static point of interest data (including parking space width, equipment features, special parking spaces, special services and designation and addresses of the access roads) and charging information (including number of charging stations, operator of the charging station, manufacturer, connector type). In addition, the tariff information and opening times have been standardized and dynamic data on the occupancy of the charging stations has been integrated into the database and made available via a newly created API. In the Munich test area, the city’s static parking space data and dynamic data from Floating Car Data for on-street parking were bundled, georeferenced and converted. In the next step, these have been available to external customers via standardized data formats via an API. A DATEX II profile was created to cover the identified requirements. Version 3.1 was used for this and additional elements, such as simple timetable data, were added in some places.

93 + 93
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe F: Fahrzeugtechnik
20230094 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 77.0512 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

Gepubliceerd door
Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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