The organisation, prospect and requirements of urban and suburban transport in the community : a preliminary study. Report presented to the Commission of the European Communities.

Clark, J.M. Oxley, P.R. Archibugi, F. & Triulzi, U.

Part 1 of the report contains an overview of the present state of urban transport in the countries of the EEC, and includes the main issues of concern in public transport. Part 2 consists of summaries of information received from questionnaires and personal interviews concerning the existing public transport modes. Some details are given of fares, other sources of income, and expenditures in transport systems. The effect of local authoritiy policy on the provision of public transport is noted. Part 3 covers the relation between transport planning and socio-economic policies. The problems common to different areas are defined, together with the different societal objectives, and various national land-use policies. The necessary studies and demand forecasts required for planning are included together with an economic evaluation of urban transport plans. Part 4 gives a summary of conclusions, with recommendations for future study, and adds suggestions concerning a possible role for the EEC for guidance and coordination in transport at community level.

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C 9593 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 225592

Cranfield, Bedford, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Centre for Transport Studies / Rome, Centro di Studi e Piani Economici, 1975, 147 + 73 p.

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