Schutz vor Verkehrsunfällen auf der Strasse : Vier Vorträge des Bundesministers für Verkehr.


The German Minister of Transport has given four lectures in the field of accident prevention on highways. Each person has his own responsibility in traffic not alone for himself but also for the other road users. The role of traffic education is outlined. The action "Eyes in Traffic" is presented and the work of the Traffic Surveillance Group is mentioned.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 20614 /73.3/83.2/

Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag, 1954, 48 p., graph., tab.; Schriftenreihe des Bundesministers für Verkehr, Heft 3

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