Transport trends 2005 edition.


This publication presents an overview and analysis of trends in transport and travel in GB over the past 25 years, and highlights some of the key issues. It is intended as a companion volume to Transport Statistics Great Britain, which contains reference tables of more detailed figures and some longer time trends. This is the eighth annual edition of Transport Trends, published to fulfil the commitment in the Government's 1998 Transport White Paper to publish these reports each year so that progress against key indicators can be monitored. This edition of Transport Trends broadly follows the structure of the previous publication, with some additional analyses incorporated. Transport Trends includes a wide range of indicators and statistical analysis to illustrate longer-term trends and to help put key policy targets and trends into a broader context. The report includes trends in relation to the Department's Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets (see Annex 2) and the government's sustainable development indicators which are most relevant to transport (see Annex 3). All the data underlying the graphics are available on the Statistics section of the Department for Transport's website'. The website also includes a wide range of other statistical material and publications. In addition to our main reference volume, Transport Statistics Great Britain, further analysis on particular topics is included in our series of "Focus" publications, which take an in-depth look at particular areas of transport. More detailed information is also published in a series of regular bulletins. Details of all our recent and forthcoming publications can be found on the website. In addition to the published information, a wealth of unpublished material is available on request, as is a service (subject to the availability of resources and confidentiality constraints) providing customised analyses for clients. Details of these services can be obtained from the various contact points, also listed on the website. (Author/publisher)

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C 51201 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /72 /81 /

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2006, 120 p.; Transport Statistics Report

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