Adjacent and shared use facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.


Local Transport Note (LTN) 2/86 Shared Use by Cyclists and Pedestrians, DoT 1986, provided guidance regarding the appropriateness of shared use as a way of creating cycle routes. This LTN replaces LTN 2/86. It reiterates and strengthens the earlier guidance that before considering the introduction of an adjacent or shared use facility along an existing pedestrian route, all possibilities must be explored for improving conditions for cyclists within the carriageway. However, it should be noted that this approach does not apply to entirely new, well designed facilities which complement the existing network and improve conditions for all types of user. The title for this document has changed from that of LTN 2/86. This reflects the need to clarify the distinction between segregated and unsegregated use. Routes generally used by pedestrians and cyclists only, are now referred to as adjacent or shared use routes. Adjacent use exists where a cycle track is provided in close proximity to a footway or footpath but is segregated from it in some way. The term Shared use has now been re-defined to describe a route over which there is no segregation between cyclists and pedestrians. This LTN should principally be used as guidance for routes within built up areas, where the predominant function of the route is for utility transport, and where use by pedestrians and/or cyclists is likely to be frequent. Specific guidance on introducing cycle routes along rights of way in rural areas where urban-style engineering measures can be intrusive is available from the Countryside Agency and Sustrans. Additional guidance about catering for non motorised users on trunk roads is available from the Highways Agency. (Author/publisher)

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C 30278 [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2004, 35 p., 30 ref.; Local Transport Note LTN ; 2/04

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