Rules & regulations on electric cycles in European Union

White paper
Bike Europe

This White Paper offers an updated and detailed overview of all rules and regulations governing electric bicycles. One of the major changes concerns the technical regulations resulting from the new type-approval, which has become definitely effective in January 2017. All electric bikes, except those with assistance up to 25 km/h and a maximum continuous rated power of 250W, must comply with the European harmonised technical rules laid down in type-approval legislation. 2016 was a transition year during which manufacturers could choose between type-approval according to Directive 2002/24 or according to Regulation 168/2013. Since January 2017, all new electric bikes subject to type-approval must comply with the rules laid down in Regulation 168/2013 and its delegated and implementing acts, before they can be distributed on the European Union.
Electric bikes approved according to the 2002-system may still be made
available on the market, registered or entered into service until 31 December
This Bike Europe White Paper contains all details on type approval Regulation 168/2013, including full details on the categorization of different types of electric bicycles. Furthermore, the White Paper has full updated details on rules and legislation governing electric bicycles with 250W and assistance up to 25 km/h.

20220036 ST [electronic version only]
Gepubliceerd door
Vakmedianet, [Zeist]

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