Management by objectives for road safety work : analysis of the road safety development : result conference 2009.


The indicators which have been individually assessed to give the greatest effect on the number of fatalities are speed compliance, safe passenger cars and safe state roads. The indicator, sober driver, has also been assessed as being of particular importance as drivers under the influence of alcohol have been killed in accidents many times and furthermore it is prevalent that they have driven over the speed limits and have not used a belt. Of these four indicators, the most disturbing state and developments are within the area of speed and sober drivers. In order to achieve the target of speed compliance on state roads, a 100 per cent increase in motorists who adhere to the regulated speed limits and a reduction in average speed of 5 km/h are required. The problem with drivers under the influence of alcohol has for the most part remained unchanged since the end of the 1990s. (author/publisher)

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20100233 ST [electronic version only]

Göteborg, Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket), [2009], 41 p., 23 ref.; Publication 2009:113 - ISSN 1401-9612

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