Modelopzet voor Dode hoek Detectie en Signalerings Systemen (DDSS).

Hoedemaeker, D.M. Doumen, M. Goede, M. de Hogema, J.H. Brouwer, R.F.T. & Wennemers, A.S.

Connekt performs the current research for the Ministry of Transport in which an inventory is made of the blind spot situation (and the interaction between traffic participants) and the possibilities of detection and signaling are defined. The main purpose of this research is the gathering of knowledge. Knowledge about the behavioral component of both the driver and the vulnerable road users in this situation, as well as innovative detection and signaling systems of interaction between systems, and the driver environment. (Author/publisher)


20110089 ST [electronic version only]

Soesterberg, TNO Defensie en Veiligheid, 2010, 90 p. + bijl., ref.; TNO-Rapport ; TNO-DV 2010 C150

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