The Netherlands has several behavioural measures that can be issued for road traf-fic offences. The aim of these is to improve road safety and reduce the number of road traffic accident victims. In 2008, a light version of the Educational Measure Alcohol and traffic (in Dutch Lichte Educatieve Maatregel Alcohol en verkeer [LEMA]) and the Educational Educational Measure Behaviour and traffic (in Dutch Educatieve Maatregel Gedrag en Verkeer [EMG]) were introduced. The goal of these measures is to teach traffic offenders about the dangers of certain driving behaviour, in order to prevent them from reoffending. Besides these measures, between December 2011 and September 2014 the Alcohol Interlock programme (in Dutch Alcoholslot-programma [ASP]) was issued for more serious or repeat drink-driving offenders. On behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat (an executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) asked the WODC to monitor recidivism by participants of these behavioural measures. This report presents research on the recidivism rates of those who participated in at least one of the LEMA, ASP or EMG measures between 2009 and 2013. (Author/publisher)
Recidive na een educatieve maatregel voor verkeersovertreders of tijdens een Alcoholslotprogramma.
20180077 ST [electronic version only]
Den Haag, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum WODC, [2017], 79 p., 17 ref.; Cahiers ; 2017-15
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