Forschungsorientierter Zugriff zum Datenbestand der amtlichen Strassenverkehrsunfallstatistik.

Brühning, E. Ammong, D. von Hippchen, L. Lierz, W. & Weichbrodt, F.

The database of the official road accident statistics was made accessible for special investigations by means of existing and in part adapted statistical suites of programs. The initial state of the data is described in detail (content and structure, determination of the scope of the data, checks for completeness and plausibility, data quality). Then the development of the master tape is described. In view of the large volume of data the development involved compression and restructuring of the data. Finally the evaluation of the master tapes is described (evaluation using the program system spss, evaluation using further programs from mathematical statistics, proposed possibilities, selection of sets of master tapes). This evaluation was accompanied by comprehensive control procedures, which are described briefly. The comprehensive appendix contains among other things: instructions for keywording road accident statistics, examples and explanations of check programs, review of the volume of incorrect entries concerning various characteristics of the initial data, structure and contents of the master tapes.

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B 14168 /81 / IRRD 308501

Köln, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 1978, 125 p., tab.

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