2013 Motor vehicle crashes : overview.


After an increase in motor vehicle crash fatalities in 2012, fatalities on U.S. roadways in 2013 resumed the decline that had started seven years prior. Despite the decline in fatalities, the Nation still lost 32,719 people in crashes on roadways during2013, down from 33,782 in 2012. The number of people injured on the Nation’s roads decreased in 2013 as well, falling from 2.4to 2.3 million injured people. Fatalities and injuries declined in almost all segments of the population–passenger vehicle occupants, large-truck occupants, pedestrians, young drivers, and with alcohol-impaired driving fatalities. A particularly notable decrease was seen in the number of motorcyclists who lost their lives in 2013, down over 6 percent from 2012–318fewer motorcyclists’ lives lost. Although the fatalities and injuries decreased from 2012 to 2013, the total number of crashes that occurred on the roads increased slightly–primarily a result of an almost 3-percent increase in crashes that resulted in no injuries, only property damage.* The Nation saw 1,063 fewer fatalities from motor vehicle crashes in 2013 than in 2012–a 3.1-percent decrease.* Over the past 10 years, there has been a reduction of nearly 25percent in the number of fatalities on the Nation’s roadways.* The number of injured people, which has seen subtle fluctuation in recent years, experienced a slight (and not statistically significant) decrease. In 2013, there was a decrease of49,000 people injured in motor vehicle crashes over 2012.* While motor vehicle crash fatalities decreased by 3.1 percent overall, the number of people who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes decreased by 2.5 percent. In 2013, 10,076people lost their lives in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20150543 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, National Center for Statistics & Analysis NCSA, 2014, 6 p., 27 ref.; NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts Research Note ; December 2014 / DOT HS 812 101

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