Aanwezigheid en gebruik van autogordels : enquêtes 1971 t/m 1974, onder bestuurders van personenauto's op wegen binnen en buiten de bebouwde kom.


An inquiry was made among drivers of passenger cars and passengers on their use of safety belts during 1971-1974. Data were obtained on the presence and use of safety belts, together with information on the make of the year of the car, age, sex and driving skill of the driver. Clearance between safety belt and body was measured. Conclusions and recommendations are presented.


Library number
B 6501 [electronic version only] /83.2 /91.1 /IRRD 213074

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV), 1975, 24 cm., 43 p., tab.; Publikatie 1975 - 1 N

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.