Aanzetten tot een vernieuwend gedragsgericht verkeersveiligheidsbeleid : veiligheidsfeedback : eindrapport. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Veling, I.H. Fokkema, H.J. & Houwen, H.K. van der

The Dutch National Traffic and Transport Plan (NVVP) presents ambitious road safety targets. In order to achieve these, more use must be made of influencing behaviour. The question is how this is possible. In order to gain some insight into this matter, a study was carried out looking for possibilities for strengthening the current behavioural road safety policy. By behavioural road safety policy is meant the whole package of policy measures to influence the behaviour of road users, without completely taking away their choice of freedom. The study looked for the most important risk behaviours of road users, the backgrounds to these behaviours, and how these backgrounds can be influenced. The following road user groups are dealt with: pedestrians, cyclists, (light) moped riders, motorcyclists, and car drivers. The study focused on an inventory of ideas, and this report serves as the final report of this phase.


Library number
C 25127 [electronic version only]

Veenendaal, Traffic Test, 2002, 43 p.; TT 02-017

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.