Acceptability and feasibility of the measures.

Beckmann, J.

This paper considers sustainable transport as a practicable option. The author presents the view that sustainable transport is socially acceptable and economically viable; and introduces the concept of reflexivity: the ability of an individual or organisation to reflect on its own performance and be self-analytical and self-critical. Reflexive mobility shows that improvement to vehicles and environmental/ecological improvements in supply and demand are sometimes self-defeating. The author recommends immediate political action, European legislation and a sustainability impact assessment to measure the reflexivity of transport-related policies in the European Union. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118367.

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Library number
C 26054 (In: C 26042 S) /10 /72 / ITRD E118379

In: Managing the fundamental drivers of transport demand : proceedings of the International Seminar, December 2002, p. 117-126, 2 ref.

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