Accident and crime victims in Finland 1997 : interim report of the 1997 national accident and crime victim study.

Heiskanen, M. & Aromaa, K.

The interim results on accidents and crimes as presented here are outcomes from a series of population surveys at measuring the safety of everyday life in Finland. The study is based on the physical safety project of the social indicators programme launched by the OECD in the end-1970s. Its scope was subsequently expanded so as to cover also other aspects of safety besides direct physical safety. Physical safety was measured by accounting for sudden, unexpected, health-damaging incidents caused by external events. These have been classified into traffic and work accidents, accidents at home, sports and other leisure time accidents, and physical violence. The survey also dealt with property crimes, fear of crime, and safety attitudes of the population. The findings are compared with those from earlier years. (A)

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981014 ST [electronic version only]

Helsinki, National Research Institute of Legal Policy NRILP / Statistics Finland, 1998, 19 p.; Reseach Communications ; No. 36 / SVT Justice ; 1998:9 - ISSN 1235-9254 / ISBN 951-704-217-5 (NRILP) ISSN 0784-8366 / ISBN 951-727-459-9 (SF)

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