Accident proneness, research in the occurrence, causation, and prevention of road accidents.

Shaw, L. & Sichel, H.S.

The concept of accident proneness has had a checkered career, from the early british work whose high scientific standard has been universally acknowledged, through a period when the concept was extended beyond the sound basis which had been laid, to a period of reaction when doubt was thrown on the very existence of such a notion. This book examines in detail the arguments brought forward by both sides of this scientific controversy, and studies in detail the facts and figures quoted in support. it brings new and convincing evidence from the authors' own fifteen year study and the personal views of eminent researchers from five different countries. Its main interest lies in its up-to-date coverage of international research findings on accident causation. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
A 6628

New York, Pergamon Press, 1971, XIV + 476 p., 200 ref.; International Series Monographs Experimental Psychology - ISBN 0-08-006916-9

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