Accurate Measurement of Runway Pavement Geometries.

Granlund, J. Wedin, E. Claezon, M. & Lundgren, R.

Pavement unevenness brings safety risks. One example is that excessive runway roughness impact negatively on winter operations, with increased ice and snow contamination reducing the aircraft's brake friction. When planning a costly pavement geometry repair, large savings can be made by optimalgrinding and levelling works. Accurate measurement of the existing pavement geometry is then a condition to relevant design and volume calculation.In a long-term joint project, the LFV Group, Swedish Airports and SwedishRoad Administration have developed and evaluated a method for cost-effective high fidelity pavement geometry measurement. The new measurement method provides the demanded accuracy. It also increases the resolution hundredfold; depicting any significant local bumps that might exercise "forced" control on asphalt machines. Design-related discussions with the paving contractor, such as on volumes, are minimized. The on-site measurement time has been cut from several days to some hours, thereby reducing disturbance to traffic operations. These advantages can bring great savings. Busy airports may benefit much from the reduced on-site time. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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Library number
C 49077 (In: C 48739 DVD) /23 /60 /62 / ITRD E139835

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 8 p., 2 ref.

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