the ADEPT (Automatic Debiting and Electronic Payment for Transport) project.

Blythe, P. & Hills, P.J.

A description is given of the ADEPT (Automatic Debiting and Electronic Payment for Transport) project which uses an `intelligent' communications transponder and smartcard in the vehicle for automatic non-stop payment. The ADEPT concept is based on a modular structure which enables new functions to be built on. In addition to toll collection, the provision of facilities for traffic information, route guidance, road pricing and car park charging are envisaged. A generic specification for the ADEPT system is described. Brief details are given of the four test sites where trials of ADEPT are being carried out at Goteborg, Cambridge, Thessaloniki and Lisboa. The Cambridge trial is then considered in more detail with particular reference to congestion metering.

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C 20707 (In: C 20695) /10 / IRRD 866039

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 78-83, 8 ref.

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