ADVANCE : an overview and progress update.

Ligas, J.F.

This paper reports on the progress in testing a dynamic route guidance system which will be fitted to 5000 vehicles in Northeastern Illinois. The ADVANCE system incorporates several key concepts including a) distributed intelligence, b) a hierarchical road network database, c) vehicles as traffic probes accumulating realtime information, d) open RF data communications and e) a driver interface. Four subsystems are described - a) the Mobile Navigation Assistant, b) the RF Communications Network, c) the Traffic Information Centre and d) Traffic Related Functions. The concept behind each and developments so far are outlined. Details are given of the recruitment of drivers. Aspects to be evaluated are listed.

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Library number
C 20703 (In: C 20695) /91 / IRRD 866035

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 58-61, 1 ref.

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