Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe (ADASE), Deliverable D1A : final report 01.08.2001 - 31.07.2004.

Bootsma, G. Ehmanns, D. Fremont, G. Irion, J. Ostyn, G. Pellischek, G. Servel, A. Ulmer, B. & Wautier, D.

The preparation of the market introduction of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) requires a holistic process. In order to support this process of ADASE 2 has been established as a thematic project network in the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Union. All major players in the ADASE 2 environment have been involved. Thus transport authorities, road providers, E&S industry and automotive industry were involved. The work in ADASE 2 was structured into the cluster management, road mapping, concertation activities, expert workshops and dissemination. The cluster management guaranteed the strategic alignment with the ADASE roadmap by establishing information exchange between relevant running and upcoming projects and the experts in the field. The ADASE 2 Roadmap is an update of the earlier ADASE 1 Roadmap and gives a “best guess indication” of the technical possibilities in time of the available and projected ADAS functions concerning all OEM and supplier developments. Of course political and other developments (non technical) can influence this projected ADASE 2 Roadmap. With the help of regular concertation meetings access to experts was established and a bi-directional flow of information and feedback was achieved. An effective network between the different running or upcoming cluster projects has been established. The preparation of standards, legal and liability issues have been discussed and harmonised in close contact to EUCAR, CLEPA, ERTICO, political bodies and organisations active in neighbouring fields. Five expert workshops on the key areas of importance in the deployment of ADAS were organised. By analysing the ideas generated within the workshops future needs regarding technological, societal and economic aspects were be identified and activities have been formulated to fill in the gaps. From the expert workshops also the communication and dissemination strategy was be derived. By use of different media such as web, newsletter etc. the gathered information has been made available for all users of ADASE 2 community. The website of the ADASE 2 project with all the products of this project can be found at (Author/publisher)

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Library number
C 37212 [electronic version only]

[Brussels, DaimlerChrysler AG], 2004, IV + 42 p.

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