Advanced LED Warning Signs for Rural Intersections Powered by Renewable Energy

Kwon, T.M. & Weidemann, R.

A majority of intersection-related fatal crashes occur at rural, through/stop intersections. At these intersections, sight restrictions caused by vertical and horizontal curves negatively affect a driver’s ability to safely accept a gap in the traffic stream. Static advanced warning signs are sometimes installed at these intersections to warn drivers on the main, through approaches that an intersection is ahead. These warning signs appear to be ineffective. A new Advanced Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Warning System was developed and deployed at a rural, through/stop intersection with limited intersection sight distance due to a severe vertical curve. This warning system actively detects vehicles on all approaches and activates LED blinker warning signs for the conflicting movements. The research project included analysis of driver behavior obtained through video data and a survey of local residents and frequent users of the intersection. This report describes the development, implementation, and evaluation results of this new warning system. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20110013 ST [electronic version only]

St. Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2010, 69 p. + app., 19 ref.; MN/RC 2011-04

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