Advanced road safety course contents for African policy makers. Deliverable 6.3 of the H2020 project SaferAfrica.

Goldenbeld, C. Kluppels, L. Assailly, J,P. Cardoso, J. Carnis, L. Mavromatis, S. & Schermers, G.

This deliverable reports on activities and outcomes of Task 6.3 of the SaferAfrica project. This task will use knowledge built up in Task 6.1 to define training activities oriented towards exeperts, decision makers and people working for public administrations. Based on inputs from the capacity reviews of five African countries - Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa, Tunesia - steps were taken to formulate an outline for an advanced road safety course for civil servants and policy makers who are or will be active in the field of road dafety policy making. The five countries were chosen to represent the major African regions and to include both French and English speaking populations. The report is structured as follows: Chapter 1 presents a general introduction; Chapter 2 describes how the on-line survey on training needs and preferences was prepared and conducted, and the major findings of the survey; Chapter 3 describes the further steps taken to come up with specific proposals for advanced road safety courses; Chapter 4 presents the final format advanced course program on road safety for African policy makers and possible variations on this format; Chapter 5 describes the 'best' advanced course program, presenting a detailed set-up for the course program in compact time format and a spread time format. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20200421 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, 2019, 69 p. 5 ref.; Grant agreement No 724029

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