An advanced traffic management system for the Arizona Department of Transportation.

Wall, H.B. Marsden, B.G. & Agah, M.M.

Details are given of the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) being implemented by the Arizona Department of Transport for 99 miles of freeway in Arizona. This will include a) vehicle detection, b) ramp metering with HOV bypass lanes, c) television monitoring, d) variable message signs, e) traffic interchange signals and f) a drainage monitoring system. The operation of the system is outlined. The control centre and central computer system are described. The communications system will use twisted-wire-pair and fibre optic cables. Details are given of the building and procurement of elements of the ATMS. The anticipated advantages of the system are listed.

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Library number
C 20702 (In: C 20695) /73 / IRRD 866034

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 50-54, 2 ref.

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