Analyse van het aantal verkeersdoden in 2011 in Amsterdam : is er reden tot zorg? In opdracht van Gemeente Amsterdam.

Reurings, M.C.B. Aarts, L.T. & Schermers, G.

Analysis of the number of fatalities in Amsterdam in 2011; cause for concern? The municipality of Amsterdam has established that 23 people died in road crashes in the city in 2011. This number is based on data by the police, supported by data received through the media. An average of 12 fatalities had occurred in the previous three years. This has resulted in the following questions in the municipality of Amsterdam: 1. Is there an explanation for this increase in the number of fatalities? 2. How does this development in fatal crashes compare to the pattern of fatal crashes in the rest of the Netherlands? 3. Can a pattern be perceived on which policy measures can be based? The municipality of Amsterdam commissioned SWOV to answer these questions. In order to answer the first question, SWOV has analysed the development in the number of fatalities by means of the crash data that the municipality of Amsterdam provided for the year 2011 (the official crash data from the national registration database BRON was only available up to and including the year 2010 at the time of presentation of this report). This analysis has studied with respect to a number of crash characteristics – among which the mode of transport – if, and if so, where major increases in the number of fatalities can be detected.


Library number
C 50678 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 35 p., 13 ref.; R-2012-6

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