Analysis and modeling of relationships between accidents and the geometric and traffic characteristics of the Interstate System.

Cirillo, J.A. Dietz, S.K. & Beatty, R.L.

Many research studies have been performed to investigate the effects of individual geometrics on accidents. As a result of this research and years of experience, geometric design standards for the Interstate System were developed. The study reported herein was initiated to investigate the effects of Interstate geometrics on the accident experience of the Interstate System. A detailed description of the procedure used in obtaining the data and the resultant findings of the first general analysis performed on the data are included in this report. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20080350 ST

Washington D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Bureau of Public Roads BPR, 1969, V + 95 p., 18 ref.

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