Analytical technique for simulating crash response of vehicle structures composed of beam elements.

Mahmood, H.F. & Paluszny, A.

A need exists for a reliable and economical analytical aid for designing vehicle structures for controlled crash energy management. Several of the crash simulation methods, currently available to the designer in the evaluation and development of vehicle structures for crash, are reviewed with respect to their capabilities and shortcomings as design aids. An analytical technique is presented, structured along the lines of a design aid and based on a finite element beam model concept.

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Library number
B 29499 (In: B 29472) /91 / IRRD 824155

In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics. Vehicle Structural Mechanics Conference and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, April 22- 24, 1986; p.277- 287, 17 ref. SAE Paper No.860820.

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