Annual mileage, driving violations, and accident involvement in relation to drivers' sex, age, and level of education.

Lourens, P.F. Vissers, J.A.M.M. & Jessurun, M.

The paper presents results of some analyses on a Dutch database that contains disaggregated data on both the traffic system input variables of the driver population (characteristics of drivers, including their annual mileage) and the output variables of the driver population in terms of habitual driving behaviour (operationalised in number of fines) and accident involvement. Accidents increased as annual mileage increased. A relationship between violations and accidents turned out to exist in different classes of annual mileage. Moreover, multivariate analyses showed that - corrected for annual mileage - male and female drivers do not differ in accident involvement; younger drivers have the highest rate of accidents and level of education is not related to accident involvement. (Author/publisher).

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Library number
I E101869 /83 / IRRD E101869

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 1999 /09. 31(5) Pp593-7 (13 Refs.)

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