Annual Statistical Report 2006 based on data from CARE / EC. SafetyNet, Building the European Road Safety Observatory, Workpackage 1, Task 3, Deliverable D.1.9.


This Annual Statistical Report provides the basic characteristics of road accidents in 14 member states of the European Union (the EU-15 excluding Germany) for the period 1995-2004, on the basis of data collected and processed in the CARE database, the Community Road Accident Database with disaggregate data (Council Decision EEC 93/704 final). The period 1995-2004 has been used in order to maximize the sample of data. However, data for some countries and corresponding years were not yet available in the CARE database at the date of drafting this report. (Author/publisher)

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20110368 ST [electronic version only]

[S.l.], European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) / Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport, 2007, 63 p.; Contract Number TREN-04-FP6TRSI2.395465/506723 “SafetyNet”

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