Antagonism of intravenously administered ethanol by chlordiazepoxide (Librium).

Dundee, J.W. & Isaac, M.

Studies are reported using the rapid infusion of dilute ethanol to produce sleep in man. it was noted that the prior administration of large doses of Librium induce a state of resistance to the soporific effects of alcohol, as compared with Nembutal which has a synergistic action. Studies of blood levels show that this is not associated with a more rapid breakdown of the ethanol, but to increased tolerance of the brain to its action. Higher blood levels are required to produce sleep after Librium than in normal subjects.

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Library number
B 6220 (In: B 2271) /83.4/

In: Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Konferenzbericht der 5. Internationalen Konferenz über Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Freiburg, September 22-27, 1969, p. I.37-I.42, 2 graph., 1 tab.

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