Application of system dynamics in car-following models.

Mehmood, A. Saccomanno, F.F. & Hellinga, B.

In the past 50 years, many different "car-following" models have been proposed to describe driver behavior in a traffic stream. A number of inherent assumptions about human constraints and preferences in existing car-following models have hampered their relevance for use in the design and evaluation of different Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies and/or controls such as Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety Systems. In this paper we introduce a new Systems Dynamic (SD) car-following model that addresses many of the shortcomings of existing car-following models and provides a more relevant platform for simulating driver behavior in all types of car-following situations. The proposed SD model was developed and validated based on observed vehicle tracking data. Preliminary results suggest that the proposed model yields speed and spacing profiles for vehicles in "real time" that compare well with those observed empirically.

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Library number
C 33794 [electronic version only] /71 / ITRD E828387

Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 129 (2003), No. 6 (November/December), p. 625-634, 39 ref.

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