Applying research to licensing agency screening of seniors for fitness to drive.

Soderstrom, C.A.

The aging process is associated with medical conditions that can negatively affect medical fitness to drive. Traditional licensing agency methods to identify at-risk drivers have significant limitations. These include testing of visual acuity and driving tests. Recently, methods have been developed to allow for screening for cognitive decline in older drivers. This article highlights deficiencies in traditional licensing practices to screen for at-risk senior drivers. It also addresses the possible use of newer screening techniques and procedures. Application of these new methods to overcome deficiencies in traditional license screening practices to identify at-risk drivers is discussed, along with the implications for gerontology and geriatrics education. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20090589 ST [electronic version only]

Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, Vol. 29 (2008), No. 4 (December), p. 310-325, ref.

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