Atmospheric pollution due to road transport and works, future forms of energy. (= Routes, pollution de l' atmosphere et formes d' energie futures.)

Lamure, C.

Cette communication porte essentiellement sur la part de responsabilite des transports routiers dans l' effet de serre et les solutions envisageables pour y remedier : 1 - reduction de la consommation de combustible - 2 - transferts modaux - 3 - types d' options pour la circulation automobile. La reduction de la consommation d' energie pour l' entretien et la construction des routes est plus specialement examinee. (Voir fiche generale du congres 127723 et fiche generale de ce fascicule 128442). Paper is published in English.

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Library number
C 25040 (In: C 25014 [electronic version only]) /50 /93 / IRRD 128468

In: Individual papers presented under the auspices of the Ad Hoc Groups in charge of questions and conference-discussion : XIXth world road congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, Marrakesh 22-28 September 1991, p. 229-234, 6 ref.

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