Autodate : een auto binnen bereik in de wijk.


Car sharing is a multi-functional instrument within the mobility and parking policy of a municipal authority: which leads to a reduction in (the growth of) the number of cars in use and to greater awareness in use of the car. Instead of always using the car the participants will more often choose to use public transport or the bicycle. In addition the municipal authorities will be able to offer local residents an alternative by applying strict policies. Besides this, within the context of transport management it is possible to apply the car sharing system on industrial estates. Car sharing helps ensure that there are significant, favourable effects produced with regard to the environment such as reduced exhaust emissions and a decrease in the consumption of energy resources. For this reason car sharing fits in very nicely with environmental policy as well as helping to stimulate a better quality of life within the immediate residential area.

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Library number
C 14875 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201224

Ede, C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur, 1999, 102 p., 18 ref.; Publikatie ; No. 138 - ISBN 90-6628-304-1

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