Automatisch snelheidstoezicht op de N266 in Noord-Brabant : evaluatie van het effect op lange termijn.

Oei, H.-l. Minnen, J. van & Goldenbeld, C.

Four road stretches having a speed limit of 80 km/h were equipped with an electronic speed management system, consisting of a fixed warning sign, a switchable sign only showing when cars were speeding and automatic speed enforcing using radar and camera from road side mounted posts. This system was accomplished by using publicity campaigns just before and periodically during the operation. The evaluation that was conducted in 1991 showed a substantial reduction in speeders from 40% to 11%. The number of accidents was reduced with 35%. Since the evaluation in 1991 the radar and camera was out of order for a long period and in 1994 this system was put in operation for a very limited part of the time. The fixed and switchable signs were operational all the time. In the fall of 1994 a long term evaluation was conducted on one of the road stretches, in the province of Noord-Brabant. The result of this showed that the effects found in 1991 were almost the same in 1994: the reduction of speeders increased a little from 11% to 16% and the reduction in accidents found in 1991 remained at the same level.(A)


Library number
C 3766 [electronic version only] /73 /81 / IRRD 875165

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1995, 37 + 16 p., 5 ref.; R-95-9

SWOV publication

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