Basic analysis of the mechanics of head-on car collisions.

Murray, N.W.

When a car collides head-on with another car or some other unyielding object the subsequent motion of the car can be predicted by using the laws of physics. This is first done in the paper in a gross way by means of a simple graphical method. The analysis is then refined to take into account the non-uniformity of crushing strength found in real cars. The motion of the occupants using a simple model completes the picture. It is shown that for older cars, which have no air bags and elementary seat-belt systems, an impact with the steering wheel or dashboard is almost inevitable at the speeds considered in the paper. The advice to drivers is to drive at a less-than-average speed and to occupants to set the seat back as far as possible. (A)

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Library number
C 11586 (In: C 11439 b [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 896675

In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Melbourne, Australia, 13-16 May 1996, Volume 2, p. 1548-1556, 2 ref.

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