Behind the subjective value of travel time savings. The perception of work, leisure, and travel from a joint mode choice activity model.

Jara-Diaz, S.R. & Guevara, C.A.

Many travel choice models estimated throughout the world have been used to calculate the full value of travel time savings. Its components, however, have never been estimated quantitatively. This article takes into consideration the fact that travel (mode) choice and activity demand models come from a common microeconomic framework such that their specifications are linked. The authors show that estimating both types of models from the same population makes it possible to obtain all components of the subjective value of travel time savings empirically because the models share some common parameters. This novel approach is experimentally applied using information on travel choices and homework activities for two income groups collected in Santiago, Chile. (Author/publisher).

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Library number
I E117698 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E117698

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 2003 /01. 37(1) Pp29-46 (16 Refs.)

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