Behoefte aan gegevens over verkeersongevallen : literatuurstudie. In opdracht van TNO Beleidsstudies en Advies.

Noordzij, P.C.

This report gives an description of the history of accident registration in the Netherlands and the development of an Integrated Traffic Accident Registration System (INVORS). The report defines the following user groups of accident-related data: the Central Statistical Bureau (CBS); insurers; the police and judicial authorities; national and regional policymaking bodies; road planners; and researchers. Since 1970, a series of inventories has been compiled to assess the specific data needs of the various user groups. The report gives a comprehensive list of the accident data which could be included in registrations. These inventories were compared with the basic police/Netherlands Transport Research Centre (AVV) Department for Statistics and Data Management (BG) registrations. The original list containing the recommended data as compiled for INVORS was found to contain largely the same data as the later inventories. The police/AVV-BG registrations contain far less information than is desirable. Nevertheless, these registrations provide a certain amount of data for all the elements on the list. Data for research purposes needs to be more complete and more accurate than data for policymaking. It was found that many users of data need a more complete and/or representative registration of accidents.


Library number
C 4793 [electronic version only] /81 / IRRD 880115

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1995, 25 + 23 p., 31 ref.; R-95-71

SWOV publication

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