Beïnvloeding van onveilige automatismen en gewoonten in het verkeer : een literatuurstudie met tien voorbeelden en twintig succes- en faalfactoren. In opdracht van Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Energie en Milieu NOVEM, Sittard.

Levelt, P.B.M.

The Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (NOVEM) is seeking new ways to encourage efficient energy use by focusing on applying technological measures to affect habitual behaviour. As part of these endeavours, the SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research conducted a study into the factors affecting the success and failure of various road safety measures. The ten measures investigated were: `vehicular' measures such as anti brake-lock devices, daytime running lights (DRL), safety belts, black boxes, tutors, and intelligent speed adapters; `infrastructural' measures such as roundabouts, `Pussycats', and 30 km/h areas; and one measure `focused directly on behaviour', namely skid prevention courses. The behaviour being addressed by a measure can occur on three levels: skill-based, rule-based and knowledge-based. Indicated for each measure is the level or the combination of the behaviour levels at which the measure was being aimed. For each measure certain mechanisms which could encourage or counteract success were mentioned. Ten of these are behaviour mechanisms such as reactance, learning by observing, and risk compensation. Six mechanisms involved the role that policy plays in the interpreting or developing of measures. Four mechanisms involved measuring problems such as selective recruitment and regression to the average. The report formulates a checklist that indicates what should be considered in each case when taking measures. (A)


Library number
C 11068 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 491583

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1998, 55 p., 62 ref.; R-98-38

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.