Beleidseffectrapportage verkeersveiligheid 1997-1999 : studie naar het effect en rendement van een zestal infrastructurele maatregelen. Afstudeerverslag Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV.

Dussen, P. van der

This study gives an insight into the road safety effects and efficiency of six types of infrastructural measures: (1) lanes to the left, (2) roundabouts, (3) traffic regulation installations, (4) raised junctions, (5) central reserves, and (6) road lighting. The measures investigated were carried out on different roads managed by the Dutch Province of Gelderland, in the period 1997-1999.

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Library number
C 25833 [electronic version only]

Breda, Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, 2002, 35 p. + bijl., 11 ref.

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