Benchmarking transport policy : the use of benchmarking in effectively developing and implementing transport policy.

Fearnley, N. Gordon, L. De & Vlieger, J.J.T.

The role of benchmarking as a tool to improve the quality, efficiency and sustainability of transport is outlined. The European Commission sponsored the Benchmarking European Sustainable Transport (BEST) project, consisting of a series of six conferences over a 3-year period. The benchmarking process is outlined. Key factors for successful benchmarking include top-level support, following procedures, defining the specific area to be benchmarked, integration of the benchmarking plan with the overall strategic plan of the organisation, clearly defined objectives and outputs, and use of a facilitator. The benefits of benchmarking have included a 20% efficiency gain in the Australian bus sector, opportunities for networking, the opportunity to see good practice in action, the creation of a substitute for competition, adaptation to cultural and regulatory changes in the transport sector, and the promotion for success in the political arena. Benchmarking does not however take account of differences in the framework in which different companies work such as topographical and cultural factors. Examples of policy benchmarking discussed include the National Cycling Policy Benchmarking Program (involving several countries' national policies), benchmarking integrated transport policies, international comparisons in policy making, and benchmarking national research policies. While policy is a relatively new area for the application of benchmarking, the basic approach does not differ from other benchmarking studies. The complexity of transport policy underlines the need for a well-structured and clearly outlined approach that focuses on specific policy instruments, outcomes and processes that can be compared. The potential of benchmarking to assist the new member countries of the EU is discussed. For the covering abstract see ITRD E124693.

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Library number
C 31934 (In: C 31766 CD-ROM) /72 /10 / ITRD E124861

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Homerton College, Cambridge, 9-11 September 2002, 18 p.

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